Following are the features covered; - Quiz into with image - Timer for quiz - Single selection questions - Image for questions - Passmark for......

published on April 1, 2022

We don't have a WordPress plugin yet...

published on April 1, 2022

Yes, we have something called 'Lock' and 'Unlock' courses, where you can control when you want the course to be enabled and when the course......

published on April 1, 2022

We currently have only single selection format available, where users can choose one answer from the list. We will have more formats available for users......

published on April 1, 2022

Yes you can export users by applying your own filters inside the Users's page...

published on April 1, 2022

We don't have a landing page builder. You can use tools such as Brizy or Worpress to create your own landing page. We provide you......

published on April 1, 2022

No, the total credits are applied to your admin account. You will have the flexibility to allocate credits to each academy from the Acadle admin......

published on April 1, 2022

Yes, you can build courses and integrate with Plungpaid to sell courses. You can also use Integrately, Pabbly connect etc. to use other payments methods......

published on April 1, 2022

Yes you can, we can refer to the documentation on how to add content from a third party tool to your lessons....

published on April 1, 2022

You can access all the features without any limits in the free trial period (7 days), there wont be any restriction. You can, - Launch......

published on April 1, 2022

Yes, with the helps of 'Groups' inside the 'users' , you can group your users and name it. One user can be added to multiple......

published on April 1, 2022

Yes, we have created a sample academy where you can register as a student and access the content to see the look and feel. Click......

published on April 1, 2022